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Introducing the stainless steel Test Tube shaker

test tube shaker

Recently we’ve seen a couple of companies get their start in the supplement shaker game thanks to a bit of help from KickStarter. The back to basic Alpha Bottle was one of the first then it was the world’s first disposable shaker the Go Shake. There is now another interesting product up on KickStarter looking to get its start in the industry called the Test Tube shaker. In short it is one of the first, or as far as we know the world’s first dedicated stainless steel supplement shaker.

Not only is the Test Tube shaker made out of stainless steel, but the rest of its design has been well thought out. The team behind the product has kept things simple making the Test Tube a two piece item with just the cup and blender integrated lid. The shaker also comes with a whole lot of other features such as no cracking, breaking or warping, repels bacteria build-up, leak resistant cap, the beveled base actually prevents clumping, and best of all it is odor free. With quality like this you may be like us and thinking the price is going to be a problem, however surprisingly it’s not too bad.

The packages currently being offered through Test Tube’s KickStarter go from $5 all the way up to $1,500. That being said if you’re looking to just get the shaker then the brand’s Pre-Game Warmup or Novice packages are what you want to be looking at. All you need to pledge is $20 for the Pre-Game (200 available) package or $25 for the Novice and you will secure yourself one Test Tube shaker.

Shipping is expected to start sometime in October, which is roughly three months away. Regardless of how long it takes to arrive you should definitely be looking at this as an investment, since the Test Tube shaker does in fact come with a lifetime guarantee.

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