After a little more than a week of teasing MAN Sports have revealed and released their 8th ISO Amino, introducing Sweet Delish. The brand have described their latest creation for the best tasting amino on the market as “a light, sweet tasting fruit flavor”. Just as MAN promised Sweet Delish ISO Amino has been made available to the 1%ers group before anywhere else, launching the flavor with all the usual deals.
You can grab one tub of Sweet Delish for $24.99, two for $45.98 or three for $59.99, with all three offers getting you a free 3-In-1 MAN shaker. While you can wait until later tonight to put in your order or even tomorrow if you don’t have time today, it is worth mentioning that the 1%er sale is only limited to 500 bottles. You could take your chances but once stock is gone, it’s gone, so get in quick if you want to be one of the first to try Sweet Delish ISO Amino.