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Machine ISO due to arrive before the week is out

machine iso

Things just keep getting bigger and better for Marc Lobliner and MTS Nutrition as news has come in of yet another entirely new product. Already this week the brand has unveiled Cinnagram Machine Whey, launched Mango Barracuda and confirmed the coming of the carbohydrate formula Machine Carb 10. Joining MTS Nutrition’s growing list of coming soon supplements is another protein powder with Machine ISO.

If you couldn’t figure it out from the product’s fairly obvious name, Machine ISO is the brand’s isolate protein formula and is actually due to arrive before the week is out. We don’t yet know any of the supplement’s macros or sizes, however we can confirm the one flavor Machine ISO will be available in when it goes on sale. The MTS isolate will be introduced in just Chocolate to start, and if it’s anything like the rest of the brand’s line up Machine ISO will be launched at the home of MTS, Tiger Fitness.

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