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iSatori Maxon, the King of Strength revealed

isatori maxon

iSatori’s brand new supplement nicknamed “the King of Strength” has been revealed following Monday and Tuesday’s teasers. The official name of the product is iSatori Maxon, an advanced strength stimulator which according to the brand has been put together with one purpose and that is to maximize your strength in the gym. The supplement does of course have ingredients to help it follow through on that promise with at least five features. We say at least five because we don’t yet have the facts panel for iSatori Maxon, just details on what sound like all of its main ingredients.

As confirmed yesterday iSatori Maxon does indeed feature 1.5g of creatine HCl and 500mg of agmatine sulfate. It is worth mentioning that both of those are branded ingredients with IsaCre creatine HCl and AgmaFlow agmatine, with the same thing to be said for two of the product’s other features. elevATP (adenosine triphosphate) and Torabolic (fenugreek) are those other two dosed at 150mg and 500mg respectively. The fifth and final iSatori Maxon ingredient we know of is sodium bicarbonate at 150mg, with all five features together aiming to increase blood flow and nutrient delivery, maximize strength gains, increase maximum lifts and more.

The only information left to come on the new iSatori Maxon is its label and of course the supplement itself. While we don’t yet know when “the King of Strength” is due to go on sale, we can’t imagine the Maxon facts panel revealing too much more if anything at all.

Update 07/02: The official iSatori Maxon label has been added below and as expected it doesn’t reveal anything more, with the five ingredients confirmed being the only five in the supplement.

iSatori Maxon

isatori maxon

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