At the moment Dedicated Nutrtion has just the one supplement left to come after they’ve already dropped over five new products in the first half of this year. The item on the way is Dedicated’s first premixed formula, the 60ml hit of energy Headshot. As far as we knew that was all the brand had on the way however word has now come in of yet another new supplement.
The title of the second product on the way is Dedicated Re Grow, a name that doesn’t give too much away although thanks to its promotional image we do know what kind of supplement it is. Above you can see the words “eat, train, sleep, repeat.” The word “sleep” is obviously the clearest which is what Dedicated Re Grow is going to help you do. We don’t yet know what is in the formula, just that it is a nighttime product that is due to arrive alongside Dedicated’s other upcoming supplement Headshot.