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Best Aminos bringing together BCAAs, glutamine and energy

best aminos

No less than a couple of hours ago we confirmed the coming of another BPI Best Series supplement. The only details we posted were that the product is flavored and that it will be entering a category that already has quite a few competitors. The supplement has now actually been unveiled introducing BPI Best Aminos. The full title of the product is in fact Best Aminos w/Energy, which basically confirms the formula’s point of difference.

Based on the name it definitely looks like BPI have put together an energy and amino supplement. While we don’t yet know what Best Aminos has to deliver that energy, the product’s bottle does confirm a few of its amino features including “peptide linked” BCAAs, much like what Best BCAA has, however Best Aminos also has glutamine in the mix. Just as we mentioned in our first post, stay tuned for more information especially since it now looks like the details are coming in quick.

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