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UPS Crazy to be replaced by another pre-workout soon

ups crazy

With the DMBA powered pre-workout supplement UPS Crazy now dropped from the brand’s line up since Tuesday last week, some fans will be short when it comes time to workout. The Australian company do of course know this and are looking to change that sometime soon. If you were hoping UPS Crazy was going to be replaced then your wish has come true as the brand have confirmed a new energizing product is in the works.

Due to the supplement only being put together at the moment we don’t have details other than the fact that the formula is going to be a pre-workout. The question of course is what will the Australian company call the product as if they go with UPS Crazy, the supplement will have a strong reputation to uphold. While the supplement is only in the works and could be some time away, at the rate the brand have been getting new items on shelves we might be seeing this one sooner than you’d think.

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