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Magnum Limitless review: a fine example of almost limitless energy

magnum limitless review

Following a build up that saw Magnum Limitless quickly become the talk of the town, we managed to grab a tub of the pre-workout to see just how limitless it truly is. With a formula that turned out to be a lot more interesting than expected and a name that immediately grabs your attention, the supplement was definitely one of the few we’d been excited about. Over the past three weeks we have been running Magnum Limitless off a stimulant break as well as day after day, resulting in enough experience with the product for today’s Magnum Limitless review. While we won’t spoil it all in the introduction, we will say that the pre-workout does in deed live up to its name in at least one area.

Looking at the contents of Magnum Limitless it is difficult to get an idea on what to expect, more so since the brand promise pretty much everything. Energy, intensity, pumps and even “I can see through walls” focus, are some of the effects you’ll see Magnum Limitless promoting. As mentioned we’ve used the supplement back to back with some of our favorites and around stim breaks, and can tell you it does a great job on most of what it promises.

magnum limitless review

Almost limitless energy

The first effect you’ll likely meet once you throw back a scoop of Magnum Limitless is the extremely quick to kick-in energy. Compared to most pre-workouts the Magnum product will likely get your energy going and body charged a lot sooner than most. For us it’s usually a 10 to 20 minute wait, however on some occasions with Limitless the need to lift came on as early as 7 or so minutes. While there isn’t anything wrong with a quick kick, it’s not the most comfortable feeling if you’re still 5 minutes out from the gym. What makes it even more difficult to bear is that Magnum’s energy is actually quite strong. Taking things even further is the supplement’s focus which also starts giving you that “I can see through walls” focus a lot sooner than you might like. The obvious answer to the issue is to take it closer to the gym or even at the gym, then you’re guaranteed a good time.

Once you start lifting it’s basically non-stop from there. The energy just makes you want to keep moving from set to set and the focus keeps your head right where it needs to be, on the job at hand. The product is definitely a stimulant type experience, although once you get going you will notice it has a slight difference. Most of the time stimulant type pre-workouts get you up and high, not really keeping you grounded and making it feel like you’re being dragged through your workout. That kind of experience is avoided quite nicely by the pre-workout’s laser like focus. Since it kicks in around the same time as the energy you won’t have one without the other. The result of the two effects working together creates a kind of energizing lift, that will see you work your ass off, without much rest, and no interest in anything else but the current or next set. The focus works so well with the energy you could almost say it’s like a drive during your exercises as you’ll find yourself demanding and pushing for more, whether it be weight or reps.

magnum limitless review

The unfortunate catch with the high amount of energy resulting in no real need or want for much rest, is that you will find yourself tiring out rather quickly. This is where some pre-workout’s performance effect comes in to play as it will encourage less need for rest, but still make you feel and perform strongly rather than make you lift over and over because of the amount of energy. While it’s certainly not a bad thing as no doubt some pre-workout enthusiasts will love the sound of that, it can cause you to feel a little distant from what you’re doing like you’re just rushing through. On the upside with slightly less energy demanding workouts the power of Magnum Limitless will have you all finished sooner than you’d like. Sessions that you would usually allow 45 to 60 minutes for, will fly by in about 30 to 40 without even knowing. It kind of makes the supplement perfect for high rep days as the pain and soreness you force on your muscles will have trouble overcoming the high energy of Limitless, almost making it too difficult to stop.

It keeps going

Since Magnum Limitless does encourage a non-stop workout seeing you finish your sets a lot faster whether you want to or not, you may be wondering does it all wear off after your workout? The quick answer is no, which isn’t actually a bad thing. Not only does it leave you with enough in the tank to probably do the same session again depending on how demanding it was, but it also leaves you on a high for the next couple of hours. The strong energy and powerful focus doesn’t come down for about another hour or so after you’re done, and even then it only slowly fades away. The zero crash works in the most positive way possible, letting you down nice and calmly making you feel rather refreshed.

magnum limitless review

Downsides and good kind of tolerance

As mentioned at the beginning there are some things Magnum Limitless doesn’t deliver on. A solid pump is one of those things as despite it being one of the promised effects, we didn’t really notice a pump that couldn’t be created on your own. The energy and focus definitely helps as the ability to do a whole lot of extra reps is more than suitable for a good pump, however it didn’t have that unnatural type pump we’ve seen in other pre-workouts. As for the increase in intensity which for us is where a product shortens your rest and refuels you faster, resulting in a strong controlled performance. We also feel Magnum Limitless comes up a bit short. While we won’t say it’s non-existent, it’s just that the energy and focus is so impressive it leaves no room for you to get or even notice that natural non-stop power an increase in intensity provides.

One thing pre-workout addicts will be more than used to is taking their favorite or one of their favorite formulas more frequently than they’d like and not getting the same feeling out of it. We don’t usually comment too much on tolerance as it’s a general rule, you don’t feel a pre-workout as much if you take it over and over again. That being said Magnum Limitless does offer something a little different in this area. Consistent use will see the product’s power lessen although only in the kick and energy departments. We noticed that the focus remained stronger than expected even after using it at its maximum up to five days in a row. It does change the experience a bit mainly keeping that one track mind kind of focus with the energy fading as much as you’d expect.

magnum limitless review

Magnum Limitless Review final words

Like all effective pre-workouts Magnum Limitless has its pros and cons. Also like all good pre-workouts its highs probably wouldn’t be as strong as they are if the lows weren’t as low as they are. If the supplement did in fact have a good pump it would most likely take away the sometimes overpowering strength of the energy. The same thing goes for the intensity as if it had any it would probably affect the equally strong focus that works so well with the energy. At the end of the day every pre-workout needs to have a point of difference or it will get lost in the crowd. In the case of Limitless, Magnum have come through with an experience that gets you as close to having a limitless amount of energy as possible all while keeping it unique with an interesting dose of focus.

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