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Magnum GSpring also promising nighttime fat burning

magnum gspring

A first real look at the upcoming Magnum GSpring has been released, giving us a much better view of the supplement than the small preview from the back of Limitless. It was already confirmed that the capsule product would be a nighttime formula promoting the line “sleep & grow”. The first close up look at Magnum GSpring has revealed a bit more information, although still no word on any of the ingredients in the supplement.

The details that we do have are the effects being promised for GSpring which see the usual sleep support and recovery joined by fat burning. In the words of the brand “Magnum GSpring helps you lose fat, grow muscle and recover – all while you sleep.” While weight loss in a nighttime formula isn’t anything groundbreaking, it’s not an easy effect to deliver on top of recovery and sleep support. We will of course have to wait and see what’s in the product before judging it, and if the new picture is anything to go by there are nine ingredients we’re waiting to see.

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