Just like Finaflex Nutrition did back in March, it looks like they’ve got another two products lined up for launch. Just yesterday we got news of the brand’s new addition to their pre-workout family with the Stimul8 Capsules. Today we’ve got another supplement to confirm, the uniquely named formula Finaflex Stimz. While we don’t know anything about the contents of Finaflex Stimz, we feel its title probably sums up the product pretty well being some kind of stimulant pill. Despite its lack of ingredient information you can see some of its highlights on the face of the bottle including “fast acting”, “maximum strength” and “unparalleled clean energy”. Based on those descriptions it will actually be interesting to see what ingredients are in Finaflex Stimz, since the brand’s other upcoming supplement is also a stimulant packed energy pill. Not much else can be gathered from the bottle except for the amount capsules it has which is 45, suggesting a one or two pill maximum serving. Either way you look at it we are going to have to see the back of Finaflex Stimz before getting excited, although the brand have done a good at getting your attention with its name.