In what is going to be our last post on Purus Labs new pre-workout additive, the creatine Creagyn, we now have cost details for the two ingredient supplement. We noticed when all the information on Creagyn was released earlier in the week, people were commenting about how cheap the product needed to be. As the brand said when they officially unveiled their latest innovation, Creagyn is now available which is indeed true at a couple of stores where we get a look at just how cheap the supplement truly is.
Being a rather straightforward formula you already knew Creagyn wasn’t going to be up in the area of 20 or $30. One of the examples of price we have for the product is the Vitamin Shoppe who are currently stocking the Purus Labs supplement for $19.99. While it is under that $20 mark, Muscle & Strength go a few bucks lower at $17.99. Based on their price you’re looking at just over 50 cents a serving or about 57 at the Vitamin Shoppe. Regardless of where you go Creagyn is relatively cheap to add to your pre-workout stack, and those numbers are without any kind of sale or stacking discount like you would usually see at Tiger Fitness.