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Cookies and cream Combat Crunch gets a new deadline

cookies and cream combat crunch

Originally MusclePharm said their cookies and cream Combat Crunch would go on sale the 1st of the month. That would have seen the flavor launch two days ago on Monday, however if you follow the brand or have checked any of your favorite stores cookies and cream Combat Crunch has yet to surface. The main reason behind that is because MusclePharm have in fact changed the release date for their sixth protein bar flavor. Instead of June 1st the latest addition to the Combat Crunch family will be arriving exactly two weeks later on June 15th. That of course still puts the launch on a Monday, 11 days from now. If you caught our Combat Crunch review from yesterday you will know cookies and cream is one we’re looking forward to, especially after enjoying every flavor we’ve tried so far. While MusclePharm have confirmed a new date for their next protein bar taste, they have yet to say where it will go on sale first although if it’s like any of the others will be the place to watch.

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