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Chocolate Peanut Butter Hyper Gro exclusive to

Chocolate Peanut Butter Hyper Gro

When details on iSatori’s Bio-Gro infused post-workout supplement Hyper Gro surfaced, a total of five flavors were confirmed. You have the three tastes Hyper Gro originally arrived with, rich chocolate, strawberry swirl and smooth vanilla, then cookies & cream which can now be found at the likes of Tiger Fitness and Supplement Central.

As mentioned there were five flavors confirmed back when news of Hyper Gro arrived, with the remaining option being chocolate peanut butter. Almost half a year after Hyper Gro launched iSatori have now confirmed that chocolate peanut butter is real and that it will be arriving soon. For those wondering where they can get the product when chocolate peanut butter Hyper Gro does finally get here, it is going to be exclusive to none other than Since the online store were given exclusivity on orange creamsicle Bio-Gro it should come as no surprise that the same deal is being carried over to the Bio-Gro infused protein powder.

Update 06/24: Chocolate Peanut Butter Hyper Gro is not yet available at, however it can be purchased direct from iSatori for $39.99 a tub.

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