Earlier in the year news dropped on two new Betancourt Plus Series supplements. The products were Creatine Plus and Carnitine Plus, both of which were actually going to make the Betancourt Plus Series since at the time there was only Glutamine Plus. While it has certainly been quite some time since we heard from the brand about Creatine and Carnitine Plus, it now looks like the two are finally ready. A shot of the whole Betancourt Plus Series has been released highlighting the new additions as coming soon. It also shows off the first Plus supplement in Betancourt’s new branding, switching it from the horizontally divided layout to the upgraded bull divided design. As vague as the phrase “coming soon” can be, the brand have given a little more detail saying that Creatine and Carnitine Plus will be on shelves soon as well. While the extra line doesn’t add much more it does sound like the two Betancourt Plus Series products will be skipping a direct launch and heading straight out to stores.