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Best Glutamine our guess at BPI’s next Best supplement

best glutamine

Yesterday BPI Sports posted yet another video teasing the coming of their next Best Series supplement. Last time we got a sneak peek at the product we couldn’t confirm anything, only that the formula would be the brand’s fourth Best Series supplement. This time around BPI do show a little more, enough for us to make our guess with Best Glutamine. From what we can see the first three letters do look like “GLU”, which leaves us thinking of nothing else but Best Glutamine. Fortunately BPI won’t be leaving fans or us hanging for too much longer as the long-awaited announcement is coming this week. As a build up towards the end of the week the brand have also organized a bit of a competition. If you’re like us and feel you know what the product is whether you see Best Glutamine or not, you can comment your guess on BPI’s giveaway post. The first 10 people to guess the name of the supplement correctly will then win the new product. The 10 winners are going to be confirmed this Friday, presumably meaning the supplement will be unveiled before then.

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