For as long as we can remember ALR Industries has had the same look on their supplements with the blood-red bottles and poorly laid out but informative labels. In most places including their own website the brand are still promoting their products with that look, however an update is very near. As you can see in the image above three of ALR’s supplements have surfaced with an extremely different look compared to their current one. By the looks of things pretty much everything has been changed from bottle color to the colors used on the label.
The most obvious difference with the new ALR Industries branding is that they’ve gone for an all orange theme. What’s even more obvious is the fact that the brand have kept their theme consistent across the three products pictured, rather than having only a few similarities throughout the line. ALR have also included graphics in their updated look using actual images as flavor representations and a texture in each item’s background. The shot we’ve attached featuring Chain’d Out, HumaPro and Viper is all we have at the moment, with no word yet on when ALR Industries will be making the transition.