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Muscle Elements confirm the coming of 2 new supplements

muscle elements

As much as we have seen from Muscle Elements over the past year, the brand have mostly stayed with their original line up of four supplements. Since the arrival of PreCre, AmiNO Flow, LeanWorks and 212 there has only been one other Muscle Elements product with the protein powder the Truth. Despite the brand dropping just the one supplement, as mentioned they’ve managed to stay in the spotlight with flavors, clothing, promotions and more. Today we bring some extremely exciting news as almost one year after Muscle Elements hit their first major retailer the brand have confirmed the coming of more products. Being promised for 2015 are at least two new supplements, neither of which Muscle Elements have said much about. The only clue we’ve been given is that the pair will be hitting major categories, a clue that does actually give quite a bit away. Looking at the brand’s current line up they do already cover a lot of the main areas with two fat burners, a pre-workout, an amino cocktail and protein powder. If we had to take a guess at the two new additions we’d say pump pre-workout and maybe a testosterone booster. With all the major categories covered those are the two that come to mind first unless Muscle Elements go back and double up with something like another protein. We could of course be completely off, either way confirmation of two new products from one of the best performing brands of 2014 is exciting.

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