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Muscle Elements mystery supplement designed to be taken at night

muscle elements mystery

Muscle Elements have dropped the latest teaser for their upcoming mystery supplement. Last time we didn’t get too much information except for the fact that the product looked to be in powder form. Today we get a lot more in terms of clues with an image that’s packed with what is likely to be a bunch of details. In the picture above you can clearly see a powder tub which actually has a few lines coming out of it listing 3g, 3g and 2g. Based on the fact that Muscle Elements put this image together we can only assume those numbers are there for a reason and are doses of ingredients relevant to the mystery supplement. Next we see the line that says unidentified substance, hinting at Muscle Elements using an ingredient that we’ve never seen before. Last but not least and we feel this is the most important piece of information, is in the top right of the picture there is a digital clock that reads 11:08PM. As far as we know the most popular types of products taken around that time are muscle builders, nighttime formulas or protein powders. Despite Muscle Elements giving us a whole lot of clues, we’re still not 100% certain on anything but are now leaning more towards one of our guesses from earlier in the month with a nighttime supplement. No doubt we’ll be seeing another teaser soon as we build towards the release of what will be Muscle Elements first new formula since last year’s the Truth.

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