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Muscle Elements teaser confirms 1 of their 2 as a powder

muscle elements

We already took a few guesses at what Muscle Elements might have coming based on the one clue they gave. Along with the news of two more supplements coming soon, the brand recently confirmed that the two belong to popular categories. Since Muscle Elements are already in the business of weight loss, protein powder, pre-workout and aminos, we figured a testosterone booster and pump pre-workout were quite likely. Today we’re still sticking with our guesses despite the fact that the brand have dropped another clue. The latest from Muscle Elements comes in the form of an image as you can see above. What you can’t see however are the words we’ve cut out that read “one small step for ME, one giant leap for you”. As vague as the clue is since it could really relate to any type of product, we do get one thing from the picture. At the bottom of the Muscle Elements image you can see a tub, or at least something that clearly doesn’t look like a capsule bottle. You may be thinking that doesn’t mean much, however it is quite the opposite. If the tub is in fact what the brand are using then we open ourselves up to a lot of common powder type supplements. Protein powders, creatine, another amino, pump pre-workout, nighttime concoction, the list goes on. As mentioned we are still keeping our guesses at a pump pre and muscle builder despite what the image features. Although at least now we know one of the two upcoming Muscle Elements supplements will be a powder.

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