As busy as Marc Lobliner already is with the coming his pump pre-workout MTS Vasky, more flavors of Machine Whey, and news of a carbohydrate formula. It turns out he still has time for another one of his current supplements. Lobliner’s testosterone booster MTS Barracuda is the product in the spotlight today, which since it arrived has only been available in the one fruity flavor. Blue raspberry is the lonely taste fans have had the pleasure of choosing from, an option that is soon going to be joined by a second. After almost a year of being on sale it has been announced that mango is going to be added to MTS Barracuda’s menu. The time frame on the launch is roughly four weeks, likely putting the new flavor on shelves early next month. If the product is like every other MTS release the place likely to get mango Barracuda before anywhere else is Tiger Fitness, the home of Marc Lobliner and MTS Nutrition.
MTS Barracuda due to get a 2nd flavor almost 1 year after release