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Hydroxy Shred the start of Body Science’s Gold Label Series

hydroxy shred

Earlier in the week Australia’s Body Science teased their next new supplement, the weight loss formula Hydroxy Shred. They didn’t drop too much information about the product, in fact all we got was the name of the fat burner. Today we’ve got everything else you need to know about the supplement, as well as an extra little detail. Starting off with Hydroxy Shred’s contents, Body Science have packed the product with a total of eight different weight loss ingredients. You can see all of the formula’s contents down below in its official facts panel, which you will also notice is 100% transparent.

As for the extra detail we said we had, Body Science fans will notice that Hydroxy Shred features a slightly different look to the rest of the brand’s supplements. That is because it is a part of their new Gold Label Alpha Series. By the sounds of things the line is a higher end collection, hence the Optimum Gold Standard Pre-workout like lid. Hydroxy Shred appears to be the first item in the new Gold Label Alpha Series, with no doubt more to come. For those in Australia interested in trying Body Science’s latest effort, the product has yet to be seen on sale although the online store Rock Hard have currently got a pre-order opportunity going. The price they’ve got on Hydroxy Shred is $79.95, which you can save $4 on or 5% if you use the coupon code “SHRED” at checkout. Shipping for pre-orders is said to take place sometime next month, with mid June listed as the best estimate.

Body Science Hydroxy Shred

hydroxy shred

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