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World’s first disposable shaker finds its way into MIXT Nutrition

go shake

Earlier this week we posted our review of the world’s first disposable shaker, the Go Shake. The product proved that despite being designed for convenience and to be thrown away once used, it is a lot stronger than you’d think.

The simple slide on lid and clip in cap both withstood intense shaking without any support from hands or fingers. If you liked the sound of the Go Shake then the next step would obviously be to pick up a sleeve of them whether it be for your day-to-day routine or just to have for a rainy day.

Previously the only place to go was the brand’s own website where you can find a link to buy the product from Amazon. After discovering just how handy the Go Shake is we figured it would only be a matter of time before it made its way into supplement retailers.

That day has now come as this week MIXT Nutrition have added the Go Shake to their store with sleeves of 10 valued at $9.99. The price isn’t as good as straight from the brand, but it is a step in the right direction that could lead to the Go Shake landing in some of the bigger supplement retailers.

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