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DVST8 dropping AMP citrate for TeaCrine and Noopept


Earlier this week we posted a deal on Inspired Nutraceutials’ AMP citrate pre-workout supplement DVST8. While we did have some bad news since the product is going to be reformulated with its AMP days numbered. We also had some good news as the brand gave Stack3d readers a massive 50% off the formula, a promotion that gives all the discounts to you which is just how we like it. While you are more than welcome to still take advantage of the offer direct from Inspired with the coupon code “STACK3D”, today isn’t about how much longer DVST8 has left with AMP citrate. Today we have details on what the brand are going to be using to replace AMP citrate in their updated version of the pre-workout. From what we know most of, if not all of DVST8 is going to remain the same except of course for the AMP. To fill the giant shoes left behind by the controversial stimulant Inspired have said they will be relying on TeaCrine and Noopept to maintain DVST8’s reputation. The wait for the updated version is expected to be at most two months, likely putting DVST8 2.0 on sale somewhere in July at the latest.

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