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First look at the new Athletic Edge APE confirms the same 2 sizes

athletic edge ape

So far we know of four supplements that will be in Athletic Edge Nutrition’s upcoming rebrand. The products making the leap to the new line are the fat burner LIV and the muscle builder APE. As for the new innovations to look forward to Athletic Edge have confirmed the pre-workout Steeledge which from what we know is likely to rule out the return of Pre Surge, and the nighttime formula APE Dark Night. Today we don’t have too much more information to update you with, just a few more details on one of the supplements being carried over. Above you can see the muscle builder APE wrapped in Athletic Edge’s new branding, further confirming its position in the line as well as the continuation of its sizes. Unlike most products Athletic Edge APE at the moment comes in two volumes, a 40 and 80 capsule lasting fans one or two months. Looking at the image you can clearly see the 40 and 80 have been kept on, which also suggests that the formula has not been altered. From here we can only keep waiting with no doubt a lot more in the new Athletic Edge to come, especially with the future of Intrabolic, Creatine RT and IntraXCell yet to be confirmed.

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