Over the last few days news on Athletic Edge’s new line up has been quite common with the contents of the pre-workout SteelEdge confirmed as well as the existence of an APE series. To finish off the week Athletic Edge have now unveiled their complete line up of rebranded supplements, finally confirming exactly what’s been carried over and introduced. Firstly it appears SteelEdge will be the only pre-workout available from the brand as PreSurge is no where to be seen. Secondly all of Athletic Edge’s current products have made the cut including Introbolic and Creatine RT, as well as the other two we already knew about LIV and APE. It is worth mentioning that despite both APE and LIV being confirmed for the 2015 line up, neither of two’s powder versions have been pictured or mentioned. Lastly we come to the new additions to Athletic Edge which are the APE Series supplements, the previously confirmed APE Darknight and the one we didn’t know about APE Libido. While we don’t have any details on APE Libido, we feel its name says enough with it suggesting a libido type male performance formula. Now that Athletic Edge have revealed it all the next step is to be on the look out for the products in store. APE Darknight is said to be first as it shipped out last week, which will be followed by the pre-workout SteelEdge as it is shipping this week.