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Classic Snapback not a supplement but sill the latest from ANS

classic snapback

While we always look forward to the latest and greatest from ANS Performance. Today we don’t exactly have the greatest from the brand, but the product is definitely the latest. To add to their relatively small collection of clothing and accessories ANS have put together another way for fans to show their support. Up until now all the brand had were tops with their two Ritual tees, two Diablo tees and a distressed logo tank. Joining those five items is a first from ANS with their Classic Snapback. As you can see in the image above the product is just as its titled, a Classic Snapback. The hat comes colored black and white with a bit of blue around the edges, and the brand’s logo embroidered on the left. The price on the latest from ANS is not too bad although it is the most expensive piece of merchandise the brand have. Going $5 more than their graphic Ritual and Diablo tees the Classic Snapback has been valued at $24.99, and is now available for purchase direct from ANS Performance’s website.

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