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Raptor HP sample free for anyone willing to spare a minute

raptor hp sample

We know how much everyone enjoys free samples, or even better free supplements. Whether it be through one of our weekly competitions, a one off giveaway or a sampling opportunity direct from a brand, it’s obvious freebies are appreciated. Today we’ve got yet another free sample opportunity, this one coming straight from AST. The product the brand are looking to spread awareness on is the beef protein powder Raptor HP. Really all you have to do to get your Raptor HP sample is complete the form at and that’s it. AST don’t ask too many questions or request any social actions unlike most other sample opportunities, just requiring the necessary information. Simply submit your full name, email and shipping address and you’re good. Something also worth pointing out is that the form does have a country box. That doesn’t necessarily guarantee AST will ship your Raptor HP sample internationally however it doesn’t exactly rule it out. Either way you look at it whether your in the US or not, you’ve got nothing to lose so be sure to head on over to when you have a minute spare.

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