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Latest BPI Funnbar teaser hints at 2 different things


Following on from yesterday’s two teasers where we talked about something Funnbar have coming soon. The brand have dropped another hint at whatever is on the way, with what is actually an even more mysterious image. Joining BPI Funnbar’s peanut butter cup eclipse and a small shot of what looked to be cookie crumbs, we have the brand’s latest picture with a splash of milk. The words that have come with this piece of artwork are “coming soon… no dipping needed”. Based off that and yesterday’s cookie image we can’t help but think Funnbar are talking about a cookies and cream type treat. The trick there of course is that they have already got a cookies and cream Funnbar, leaving us with the idea that this could possibly be something separate from the brand’s current high protein candy. As for the peanut butter cup eclipse from the other day, we now get the feeling that is even more separate from the cookies portion of the teaser. Whether that’s another flavor of Funnbar or not we’ll have to wait and see, as at the rate the brand are dropping the clues we should be seeing something more definitive very soon.

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