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New Muscle Marinade may or may not be on the way says Purus

new muscle marinade

In an attempt to take advantage of all the April Fool’s speculation and games, Purus Labs have uploaded a teaser of a supplement that may or may not be on its way. The caption that goes along with the image you can see above, teases the idea of the brand possibly bringing back one of their most known products, the multi-window Muscle Marinade. The supplement was extremely popular with Purus fans, and actually the product that first got us to take notice of the brand. The original was definitely not a concentrated formula packing a serving size of 20g featuring things like an almost 6g amino blend, an electrolyte complex, and big numbers such as 2.5g of betaine and a massive 6g of creatine monohydrate. Whether or not Purus have kept anything the same, we do believe a new Muscle Marinade is definitely a reality. When taking a closer look at the picture Purus darkened you will see an up-to-date branded version of the supplement. The reason we think that’s so important is purely because why would you even darken an image if you’re going to reveal the name, unless of course you have something to hide that an updated label would reveal. Unfortunately only time will tell if we’re correct on the idea of a new Muscle Marinade, and if we are it will definitely be interesting to see if the product returns in its original form or modernized.

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