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Myprotein invasion spreads to


The MyProtein invasion has now spread from to another major supplement store. For those that have been following the Myprotein movement, the European brand previously promised the coming of somewhere in the area of 1,200 products, 400 less than their full range. Since that promise was made Myprotein have hit with six different formulas, or 20 items in total counting the sizes and flavors all separately. The brand have now moved on to, who are currently stocking a line up a little bit different to that of Of the supplements we’ve seen on sale previously the retailer has Impact Whey, Impact Whey Zero, BCAA and Alpha Men, missing the Myprotein Protein Cookies and Omega 3. While they are short just those two, IllPumpYouUp does in fact have three products we have not seen on sale in a US stockist. The supplements the store have that no one else does is the pre-workout MyPre, and to further demonstrate just how powerful Myprotein’s pricing is 1kg of CreaPure creatine for $27.95 and 1kg of glutamine for an incredible $22.45. We did say that was only the beginning and it does indeed seem that way. To make the latest development in the Myprotein invasion even more interesting IllPumpYouUp do actually have slightly different prices to that of While their cost on Alpha Men is higher, their 100 serving Impact Whey Isolate is a whole $10 cheaper, 500g of BCAAs is just $18, and both smaller protein options are more than 15% lower. As more stores come on board with Myprotein things are only going to pick up as the brand journeys towards that mountainous 1,200 product promise.

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