Back before the Olympia last year MAN Sports unveiled what they called their super scooper. The brand gave everyone a detailed look at the accessory in a release video, demonstrating just how much easier the scoop makes mixing Game Day. The modernized scooper features some pretty awesome additions including a lip for more accurate pouring, and the brand’s own line “every day is game day”, reminding you of how hard you’re about to work. Unfortunately after MAN’s announcement we didn’t hear too much on the topic of the upgraded scoop, although over the last few months fans may have started seeing the super scooper in blue bombsicle tubs of Game Day. According to the brand that is the variant they started with, but are now putting it in every option of Game Day. At the moment the MAN super scooper is exclusive to their pre-workout, as those are what its four marks and specific size are relevant to, allowing you to easily measure out the supplement in quarters. There is the chance some locations haven’t restocked with the updated Game Day yet, so definitely don’t be disappointed if you get stuck with the regular scoop. If anything going another round with the original will just make you appreciate the luxury of the super scooper that little bit more when you finally get your hands on it.