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Jym Vs Muscle Pharm war spills over on to Twitter

jym vs muscle pharm

Just when you thought things had calmed down, the Jym Vs Muscle Pharm war gets another block of wood thrown on the fire to keep things burning. Last time we checked in Jim Stoppani had posted a series of videos about why three specific ingredients didn’t belong in pre-workout supplements. Coincidentally they are three that Muscle Pharm use in their Hardcore Series product Wreckage, seeing Stoppani remain confident about his formulas against the very similar competition. Today the next Jym vs Muscle Pharm chapter was started with a feud of sorts on the social media platform Twitter, where some exchanges were in fact made between Stoppani @JimStoppani and Cory Gregory @MusclepharmPres, co-founder of Muscle Pharm. Being that this is a Twitter conversation it is difficult to figure out where it all began, however the first shot fired appears to be from Gregory writing “maybe you should research who actually owns it and formulates the products… Mic drop peace…”. That was in response to a fan asking for details behind Muscle Pharm’s blends then stating that his favorite company owner is Jim Stoppani maker Jym Supplement Science. There are of course many other back and forths from other members of the Jym Army which is what’s probably turned a few tweets into a multi-account debate. Another comment from Gregory that hit the hearts of fans even more, appears to now be deleted but can be seen in a reply from Stoppani “@MusclepharmPres: @jbs524 @JimStoppani lol My man he is small and can only sell one place….Wonder why?”. As rough as that is we do find it strange as whether or not anyone has told Gregory, Jym products can now be found in stores as far away as Australia and that’s not through If you want to join in the fun on Twitter or read all the tweets yourself, simply search @MusclepharmPres and/or @JimStoppani and you’ll find a few entertaining conversations.