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2 brands left after the FDA’s 13 warning letters


After the drama of the FDA dropping 13 letters on brands who were or are producing supplements with AMP citrate in them, you may be wondering what the reaction has been like. Firstly as mentioned on Tuesday, some brands have already stopped making the products they were being warned about such as Lecheek Nutrition for AMPilean and AMPitropin, Hybrid for PreAMP and Genomyx for EVOL. As for the other 10, some we don’t follow and some we do however today we’ve got a list of those still listing their supplement/s and those who aren’t. Most of the brands involved have taken down their AMP products deleting their pages whether it be due to the letters or last year’s scare. Those that no longer have anything on their websites include Beta Labs for Oxyphen XR Amp’d, Core’s individual AMP Citrate, VPX for White Rush and MD2, Iron Forged and Contraband, Nutrex for Adipodex, Powder City’s individual AMP Citrate and lastly RPM for Red Rum. The three brands left are 1ViZN, Blackstone Labs, and Brand New Energy although we couldn’t actually track down a website for them. Whether or not those left to cooperate are going to move soon, we’ll have to wait and see, but it definitely seems like the FDA’s warnings had an impact on those involved.

Update: We’ve got a website for Brand New Energy’s Yellow Bullet AMP and they are still clearly promoting it making it three brands left to take action

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