Previously Lecheek Nutrition unveiled a handful of coming soon supplements, two for one of the more popular categories and the other for quite possibly the busiest. Speed X3 Clear is the pre-workout the brand have on the way, one that will see them give fans a full scoop type product to enjoy. The other two Lecheek supplement’s we’re talking about are the AMPileans, the presumably more hardcore AMPilean Black and the female formulated AMPilean Pink. While up until today it was a mystery as to what is in either of the products, we do now know the contents of the definitely more stimulant powered AMPilean Black. In total Lecheek’s upcoming fat burner packs seven different ingredients, all of which have been wrapped up into a proprietary blend weighing in at 339mg. Some of the standouts from AMPilean Black’s label include Pikatropin, rauwolfia (for alpha yohimbine) and two caffeines, anhydrous and di-caffeine malate. You can see the rest of AMPilean Black’s features below, where we have added the official facts panel for the supplement. As for when you will be able to see the product up close for yourself, launch is expected sometime in June although keep in mind that is a rough estimate and Lecheek could very well end up somewhere around that.