While everyone will be showing off new supplements and teasing upcoming products at this weekend’s Arnold Classic. Scivation have confirmed what they’ll have available at their booth that’s not new but should encourage attendees to stop by. Seeing as the brand have already unveiled a handful of new items this year with their new flavor of Xtend and the energized Xtend Go, it shouldn’t be too surprising to hear that supplement wise they haven’t announced anything new for the Arnold. As mentioned however booth #1847 isn’t going to be completely excitement free as Scivation have confirmed a show special that they’ll be running. The brand have put together a custom Scivation and Xtend BCAAs bag, promoting both the company and their widely known product. The item has been previewed in two colors purple and red, although it isn’t its looks that will be attracting Arnold visitors. Scivation’s price on the bag is in fact just $10, a value you’ll very rarely even see on cheaper merchandise like tees and hats. The brand are also promoting the sale of their relatively new Xtend RTDs, which as they say will see them taking care of your gains and goodies for the day.