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Myprotein launch 6 at all at powerful prices


Myprotein have now officially started their invasion hitting the one location that they promised they would launch at before the month is out. The store that has kicked it all off for the 1,200 product strong European brand is really the only place that could do it right, As you probably could have guessed things haven’t started out with all 1,200 supplements, seeing the store introduce just a fraction of what’s on the way. At the moment Myprotein have got a total of 6 different formulas available at, or if you’d like to count flavors and sizes you’re looking at 11 different items. We did already get a taste of the brand’s power over the weekend when they dropped their buy one get one free offer on Impact Whey, however what they have now over at is going to blow you away. For starters everyone is likely going to have a new go to (cheap) protein powder, as Myprotein’s 100 serving Impact Whey has been set at an incredible $49.99. The 100 servings is a bit of a trick since it only has 20g of protein per serving, although even when you work out the cost based on 25g of protein per serving, you’re looking at an 80 serving protein for $50. Other products that might spike your interest include the brand’s 1,000g unflavored BCAA at $45, and the fish oil formula Omega 3 valued at $16.99 for 250 softgels. It definitely seems Myprotein are the threat we thought they would be, with things only getting better for the European brand as they introduce more and more supplements.

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