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Speed X3 joins’s other Lecheeks as more products get teased

Speed X3 joins's other Lecheeks as more products get teased

Lecheek Nutrition have continued expanding their presence at, which initially consisted of just a handful of supplements. The brand now have quite a bit of their line available at the online store with the most recent addition being their most notable product, the hit pre-workout Speed X3. Next in line from Lecheek to hit is going to be the muscle builder TX-3, taking the brand to a total of six. While growth at a place like the giant is always good, growth within a brand is even better. We bring that up as not only are Lecheek expanding on one of their biggest relationships but they’re also getting ready to expand their line of supplements. Based on what’s been said it does seem like we’re in for more than one new product, suggesting fans should get ready for at least two. Outside of that we don’t know too much else, and with Lecheek’s already well ranged selection covering most categories, guessing probably won’t get us anywhere. Patience is the best way to go for now as we wait for more information and look forward to seeing more of the brand’s supplements at once TX-3 arrives.

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