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Destroy an old or empty tub of protein and be in to win Controlled Lab’s new PROmore

Destroy an old or empty tub of protein and be in to win Controlled Lab's new PROmore

Promotions for freebies, logging opportunities or pre-release samples aren’t exactly rare with supplement companies always looking for ways to please their fans. Sometimes they’re as simple as just liking and sharing something on social platforms, other times they require a little more effort which on occasions does result in much bigger prizes. Controlled Lab’s latest promotion definitely falls into the more complex category, and does so by becoming one of the most entertaining competitions we’ve ever seen. What the brand want you to do is put together a video of you destroying your old or empty tub of protein, and no it doesn’t have to be a Controlled Lab’s one. While permission to blow up a supplement is probably reward enough for some, if your video is one the three most entertaining you will win three serving tubs of the brand’s new protein PROmore. First place will get three of each flavor (9 in total), second two of each (6), and third one of each (3). To get involved Controlled Labs are running the giveaway through’s forums where you can see all the contest details and find out how to enter.

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