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Stack3d @ the ’15 Arnold, everything increased in Campus Protein’s Fuel except tyrosine

Stack3d @ the '15 Arnold, everything increased in Campus Protein's Fuel except tyrosine

Just as Campus Protein promised, the supplement retailer have unveiled their reformulated pre-workout Fuel here at the Arnold Classic Expo. Previously all we know about the product was that Campus were going to up the doses on all the ingredients in the energizer. Not only can we now tell you that is exactly what they’ve done, but we can also tell you how much each feature has been bumped up. Per serving CarnoSyn beta-alanine has had 100mg added (1.2g), an extra half gram of creatine monohydrate (1.5g), 50mg arginine (800mg), 50% more citrulline (450mg), 20mg taurine (220mg), 10mg caffeine (180mg), 35mg phenylethylamine HCl (165mg), 20% more norvaline (120mg), with tyrosine being the only one kept the same 280mg. To add just that little bit more power betaine anhydrous has also been thrown in the mix at half a gram, and to add more value Campus Fuel now features 30 servings instead of 28. With the reveal out of the way, fans can probably look forward to seeing the supplement going on sale soon.