Not too long after MAN Sport’s originally released NOO Pump, they quickly said they had two more flavors on the way set to make it three in total for the formula. After our review of the supplement we didn’t actually think there was much need for more options, especially since the brand put together a pretty good recipe with pineapple express. The first to officially join NOO Pump’s menu was blueberry pomination back in December, leaving just the one promised flavor to come. Today that taste has been both revealed and released, introducing yet another entirely new flavor for MAN fans with blood orange NOO Pump. Like all new products from the brand they have launched their latest with a handful of direct 1%er deals, giving those interested in getting blood orange as early as possible the chance to do so. You can choose to grab the supplement by itself for $49.99, with ISO-Amino for $59.99, or stacked with Game Day for $74.99. Each option comes with free US shipping making the deals that little bit better, more so if you’re out of one of the better pump pre-workouts on the market.