ANS Performance have just launched a sweepstakes page offering a little more than your average, sign up and be in to win a supplement or two. Basically all you have to do to enter is submit your first and last name, email address then confirm your subscription to the brand’s entry list. While that part is quite simple, the prize is where things get extremely interesting. Unfortunately nothing is written out officially or linked to on the ANS competition page, however the sweepstakes promotes a grand prize of “1-year supply of supplements”. Following the exciting title the brand show off each and every one of their products, going from the hit pre-workout Ritual to the yet to be released protein powder N-Pro. When you put the two together, it’s safe to say who ever wins the ANS promotion is in for a massive amount of supplements. We do expect more information on the contest and what’s up for grabs as the brand start to push the competition a little more, although regardless of what the exact prize is this is one you need to enter as soon as you can.