Before the all the excitement was created by Performix’s new pre-workout supplement Ion, a product we just reviewed and were quite taken back by. The brand had confirmed the coming of at least two new formulas, both due to see Performix enter entirely new categories. Ion being a pre-workout was obviously one of the two, the other we can now confirm is the brand’s amino cocktail ISO 9:2:2. The supplement is technically the brand’s sixth formula since their original SSTs powder and pill are quite different, introducing a touch of green to their beautifully presented and color accented line. If it wasn’t obvious the product’s title is directly related to its BCAA ratio, which sees 5.05g of 9:2:2 BCAAs in each of the supplement’s 30 servings. While we are due to get the Performix product’s official facts panel sometime soon revealing the rest of its ingredients. From what we know on top of the unique dose of BCAAs, ISO 9:2:2 also features a hydration blend including coconut water powder and a three ingredient proprietary led by citrulline malate. To keep things consistent Performix are once again using their signature Terra Bead Technology, and are also planning on launching their latest innovation sometime in the next few weeks through the same place that just dropped their pre-workout, GNC.