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Predictable review of Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard Pre-Workout

Predictable review of Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard Pre-Workout

When we first laid eyes on Optimum Nutrition’s latest pre-workout we didn’t really know what to think. After Platinum Pre our expectations weren’t overly high, and based on what we could initially see on Gold Standard Pre-Workout, it didn’t look like things were going to get any better. When we eventually got a hold of the supplement’s formula we saw what the brand were doing and definitely appreciated the move to 100% transparency. As for how the product was going to perform, the doses were all there and while it did seem like something we had seen and sampled many times before we decided to give Optimum a shot. Once the right deal came around we grabbed Gold Standard Pre-Workout, but were unfortunately treated to an experience we kind of saw coming.

We do always say you can’t judge a book by its cover, as some of the best pre-workouts we have tried didn’t look like much initially. On the other hand there are formulas that you can almost predict right down to each effect as to how they’re going to perform. Gold Standard Pre-Workout for us was one of those supplements where we pretty much knew what we were getting into, although felt there was room for a surprise or two. After trying the product more than handful of times and comparing it to some of our favorites, we discovered like others might have that there are no surprises and the supplement is truly a what you see is what you get type pre-workout.

With 350mg of caffeine in its maximum dose you’re of course going to get a bit of an energy kick, which is where it all starts for the Optimum formula. Once you’ve thrown the product back it will take the usual amount of time before the energy rush starts to come over you and you’ll start feeling ready to go. The issue here and this is only something you’ll probably be able to relate to if you’ve experienced some of the more stimulating supplements on the market, is that it is a basic caffeine kick. By that we mean it’s much like an energy drink feeling, where you’ll want to get active and move around, however it’s no where near as uplifting as some of the other pre-workouts on the market. Basically when brands have other major things going on in their products such as focus and intensity, the energy comes off as a lot more hard hitting. In all of our more favorable formulas that doesn’t convert to anything over the top, just energy on another level. It’s when you compare that to the energy in Gold Standard Pre-Workout, it really feels like you’re using something a little outdated or not as advanced.

As basic as the energy is in the Optimum supplement, it is effective and will help fuel your workout. To add to that the pre-workout does offer something else that we feel is on a much more respectable level. The performance area of Gold Standard Pre-Workout definitely stands out as the highlight, fueling a strong dose of intensity and making sure you’re able to put in maximum effort. Usually when even an average amount of energy is combined with intensity the results are somewhat amplified, although this time around much like we said in the beginning it’s kind of just as you’d expect. Instead of the two bouncing off one another, the energy doesn’t change when the intensity takes over. In saying that the intensity is a bit of a showstopper as when it does come into effect you’ll find your body gets back up much quicker after each and every set, and perform much more confidently even when going heavier and heavier. At some points you may even feel like the intensity takes over the whole experience where you’re purely driven by the seemingly natural effect, and your body just performs so much more smoothly. That’s not necessarily something you can blame entirely on the effectiveness of the intensity, as the simple level of energy doesn’t exactly hold its strength and put up much of a fight.

Unfortunately outside of the two effects mentioned, there isn’t really much else going on in Optimum’s Gold Standard Pre-Workout. Nothing in the area focus or pump that we noticed, two things that have become a lot more common in pre-workouts in the last year or so and help create those complete and memorable experiences. While we did say the energy was a little basic for our liking it did have a presence in the product, however no where near as much as its intensity. The combination has the potential to create a powerful performance that can be enjoyable, but just does not compare to what else is out there. As good as its intensity is and ability to get you up and going, without other effects thrown in the mix you will feel like you’re missing out. Despite saying this time and time again, the competitiveness of the category is always the best way to sum up supplements like this. With the game only getting more competitive, and new companies doing what they can to get the upper hand against the giants in the market. Something simply effective isn’t going to cut it in the pre-workout world anymore, and it’s only going to get harder and harder as the industry continues to grow.

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