One of Muscletech’s two mystery supplements has been confirmed, naming the third formula the brand will be unveiling at the upcoming Arnold Classic. An image was posted with the title Micellar Whey, a product that much like Hydroxycut Next Gen and Phosphamuscle, gives all its details away in its name. While our guesses on the brand’s remaining two Performance Series additions didn’t have anything in the area of protein, Micellar Whey will be going against that seeing Iovate make use of the very new title mentioned type of protein. In both supplements we’ve seen micellar whey used recently, Fuel:One Micellar Whey and True Grit Protein. The form is described just as you’d expect, the power of whey protein at the speed of micellar casein. As exciting as it is to see the innovation show up in another product, we are left wondering what else Muscletech have put in their formula. While there is the chance it is just micellar whey in the supplement, we ruled out the idea of a protein powder for the Performance Series purely because straightforward products seemed to be Essential Series business. Regardless of whether or not anything else is in the formula, we do still have one more Muscletech mystery to solve. Micellar Whey does confirm #3 for the brand’s booth at the Arnold, but as you know there will be a fourth at the expo which like the others is expected to see the brand hit another familiar category.