Innovative Nutrients did only just release their first ever protein powder Hypro 1Whey, but are already on to teasing their next big effort. The brand have uploaded an image showing off their entire line alongside a poster with their supplements. It is in that print that you can see a premixed product dominated by INN’s colors and pictures of fruit. Fans will know straight away that is not a current supplement, and one they can start looking forward to later this year. The official name of the product is Glutam-INN H20, which does give quite a bit away about what is going to be in the formula. While we don’t know every ingredient that is going to be in the supplement it would be good to assume based on the title that glutamine is going to be in there somewhere. The H20 part of the name does also hint at some sort of endurance or hydration, making it at least a two part formula. At this point in time the picture is all we have with no word yet on when we’ll be seeing Glutam-INN H20.