As much information as we post here and there as it comes in, getting details straight from the brand behind the supplement is always much easier. Websites are usually the best place to go, which wasn’t the case before but is now for Dedicated Nutrition’s greatly improved BCAA Sensation. Last week the brand confirmed that the product was finally available to retailers, letting fans know that it should be hitting stores soon. The sequel supplement can now be found on Dedicated’s website where you can see both the formula’s official facts panel, as well as a full description of each of the ingredients in the updated product. As helpful as all the details are, the online addition also confirms something we’ve been a little curious about since last month. When we first saw Dedicated’s new look we couldn’t tell if the image was black and white with yellow, or if the brand had dropped their shade of green. It turns out the answer is the latter as on Dedicated’s website you can clearly see yellow is now the only color on BCAA Sensation. The next step for the brand is of course adding the theme to the rest of their range, or introducing a new supplement with it, our hopes of course being on finally seeing Gainz, Headshot or anything else new Dedicated have lined up.