For those went to the 50th Mr. Olympia last year, you may have caught BPI going big with their extremely special guest appearance. The brand had organized to have the bodybuilding icon himself Sylvester Stallone at their booth where fans were able to meet the man behind the legendary characters Rocky and Rambo. While nothing has been announced just yet, BPI may be looking to get as close as they can to the celebrity status of Stallone with their next major partnership. The brand have released a teaser that any “Real American” could probably figure out, whether it’s based on the colors, font or silhouette used in the image. As mentioned nothing is official, however whatever it is BPI are getting ready to announce we believe has to involve Hulk Hogan. The signature red and yellow color palette, Hulkamania font, and classic Hogan pose all point at it being the one and only they’re keeping in the shadows. At the moment no details about the partnership have been revealed, although the timing of BPI’s teaser certainly suggests Hulk Hogan, if it is of course him. May have a role similar to Stallone at the upcoming Arnold Classic, in three weeks time.