Today BPI have launched their campaign for what they’ll be doing in the fight against amino spiking. After the last two or so year’s unraveling of the disappointing situation, which over the past few months has run a number of big names into legal trouble.
We’ve already seen a handful of companies do the responsible thing by proving their supplements have exactly what’s on their labels. Purus Labs added their Clear Facts section to their website, a select group have made use of our Stacked Certified program, and now BPI have signed on to ChromaDex’s Quality Verified system.
Moving forward fans of the brand will be introduced to a gold and black stamp on Whey HD, ISO HD and the upcoming Best Protein, indicating that the product meets label claims and has been verified by the third party laboratory ChromaDex. The announcement of the effort comes in combination with an updated website for BPI, where the brand have added even more information on their new direction.
It’s also worth checking out BPI’s five minute video they’ve put together going over the production process of their protein powders, and where ChromaDex’s Quality Verified programs comes into play.