Continue reading Stack3d exclusive True Grit makes use of Fuel:One’s micellar whey in Protein exclusive True Grit makes use of Fuel:One's micellar whey in Protein

Over the past few days details on a new supplement brand have been coming in going by the name True Grit. The company is expected to arrive with a line up of six different products, all with straightforward titles, True Grit Pre, T-Boost, Thermo, Mutli, Post and Protein. The first two formulas due to arrive from the brand are arguably the two most important ones, Pre and Protein. Being a fresh new face you know True Grit are getting with the times and are 100% transparent, listing doses for every one of each supplement’s ingredients. While we don’t have too many details on the four products arriving after Pre and Protein, such as 270mg of caffeine and 12.5mg yohimbe for True Grit’s Thermo. Everything about the coming soon supplements has been released. Starting with Protein, the brand have packed the usual macros with 25g of protein, 4g carbohydrates (2g sugar), 2g fat (1.5g saturated) and 140 calories.

Once you get passed the common counts, you will notice True Grit do separate themselves in the protein sources department as they’ve packed Protein with micellar whey. For those of you who missed it in Fuel:One’s Micellar Whey Build it’s basically whey at the speed of casein. Moving on to Pre, future True Grits fans will be treated to a clinically dosed collection of 1.6g beta-alanine, 1.5g creatine HCl, 1.25g betaine, 1g taurine, 750mg Nitrosigine, 250mg arjuna extract, 175mg caffeine and 165mg of theanine. To add to the story one last time, especially for those interested in purchasing True Grit. When the first products from the brand arrive they will only be hitting, as they will be True Grit’s exclusive retailer. For more information and even a look at the supplements, the brand’s one stockist already has a page dedicated to them where you can also take a closer look at Pre and Protein. They’re not yet available, but are expected to arrive very soon.

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