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Celebrate Superbowl XLIX with Muscle Elements and get at least 28% off

Celebrate Superbowl XLIX with Muscle Elements and get at least 28% off

In the spirit of Superbowl XLIX, Muscle Elements have confirmed a celebratory sale they’ll be having not too long after we find out whether it’s a Seahawks repeat or Tom Brady’s fourth. Regardless of who comes out on top, it is the scores that are going to be the important factor for the brand’s promotion. Basically what ever the total amount of points scored in the game works out to be, Muscle Elements will be giving fans that much discount as a percentage. For example say the end result is the same as it was for the Seahawks and Packers, 22 + 28 is 50, which means the discount will be 50%. Believe it or not there is no limit on savings, just a minimum. Muscle Elements will have at least four touchdowns worth of discount available, giving fans a worst case scenario of 28% off. The sale is due to kick off midnight Sunday and run for just 24 hours, ending at midnight Monday. There will be a coupon code required and a limit on each supplement, both of which you can get from us Monday morning or from Muscle Element’s social media.

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